Achieving Financial Wellness For Employees
"Employees Are Looking To Their Employers To Be The Epicenter Of Their Financial Life."
From the Franklin Templeton 2022 Voice of the American Workforce Survey
Simplifying the financial journey for employees.
Employees are asking their employers for financial wellness resources. Specifically, 87% are seeking financial education while 84% want access to a financial professional according to BrightPlan’s 2022 Wellness Barometer Survey.
EPP delivers financial education to employees and provides access to a vetted financial planner to those employees who want to create and implement a financial plan.
Watch the video here for an overview of EPP and to discover how EPP helps employers financially empower employees.
The EPP Difference - Self-Serve ≠ Self-Solve.
Online financial wellness tools are merely archives of information that require employees to figure out everything on their own. This impersonal approach often leads to further confusion and inaction. EPP believes true financial wellness can only be delivered through personalized education and connection to a financial planner.
Self-Serve Approach
- Passive, Online Information
- Costly Per Employee Fees
- Largely Ineffective
The EPP Approach
- Proactive, In-Person Education
- Very Affordable
- Proven, Measurable Results
The EPP Solution - Financially Empowering Employees.
EPP educates, engages, and empowers employees by providing in-person workshops, tools, and one-on-one access to a vetted financial planner. The outcome is an educated workforce motivated to take action to mitigate their financial risks and achieve maximum prosperity.
Step 1 - Financial Education
- Employer-sponsored/endorsed
- Small group sessions
- During work hours
- At employer location
Step 2 - Financial Planning
- Employer-sponsored/endorsed
- At employer location
- Outline financial planning process and goals
- Implementation of custom financial plan
Maximum Prosperity
Written by EPP founder, Harold Roe, Maximum Prosperity is the Amazon bestselling curriculum behind the EPP method. The book provides a clear path anyone can follow to easily mitigate financial risks and build a prosperous financial future.